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Altus Portal helps CHMU with
documentation management


Cooperating branches within the Czech Republic


workers working with documents


ISO requiring controlled documentation

"Intuitive and clear application, thanks to which we meet ISO 9001. Employees from across the country have simple access to all documents. In addition, Altus Portal uses online approval of documents, contracts, etc. as intranet."

Czech Hydrometeorological Institute is the central state authority of the Czech Republic for the fields of air quality, meteorology, climatology and hydrology. It also includes 7 branches spaced across the country, professional weather stations, air meteorological stations and observatory.

ISO 9001 as the main requirement

CHMU is a certified organization, according to which it is necessary to lead driven documentation. The requirements of this standard gradually ceased to meet the 20-year-old information system that was no longer supported by the manufacturer or updated. In addition, it was also user-friendly.

CHMU guidance in 2018 decided that it lists the tender for the new system. Public contract had specific conditions:

  • Fulfill the ISO 9001,
  • Documentation to all employees throughout the country,
  • Follow the requirements of critical information infrastructure and Cybernetic safety legislation,
  • are user-friendly and simple.

Altus portal not only that these conditions have fulfilled, but offered a series of extra functions.

The bonus is electronic signing and internal intranet

in Chmu to the Altus portal gradually transferred not only forms, but also by hints, contracts, vehicle driving and project designs. Thanks to the full electronic circulation and approval, processes were simplified and accelerated and facilitated decision making. In addition, electronic distribution and signing have enabled faster and more efficient work.

Altus Portal acts as a signpost, through which employees get to other systems such as writable service, Vema, IdM or Moodle. The system completely started functioning as an internal intranet and employees find a reference to a phone book, organizational structure or calendar.

The ability to create templates for entries and workflows that make it easier for employees and accelerate work.

Document electronization including setting up electronic signatures

An automated workflow that allows you to control the circulation of documents

Data security that meets the stringent requirements for critical infrastructure

We will help you simplify business

Trades and small businesses

Invoice easily,
manage your accounting or settle
problem with EET.

Medium-sized companies

Save time, capacities and simplify
processes with enterprise
and personnel systems.

Large companies

Free yourself from the worries that
information technology
will flawlessly solve for you.